About Us

Shree Gandhi Ashram

Established in Varanasi in 1920


About Shree Gandhi Ashram

Shree Gandhi Ashram is an autonomous institution and certified by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (Government of India), whose main objective is to provide maximum employment opportunities to the artisans, weavers etc. of backward and rural areas through Khadi and Cottage Industries, and Also which are creative works like education and skillsImplementing schemes for development etc.The objective of Shree Gandhi Ashram is to make the excellent products of Khadi available to the people by working on the principle of no profit no loss. Shree Gandhi Ashram is providing employment to about 40 thousand spinning and weaving artisans, 20 thousand washermen, tailors, dyers and printers in the entire country. Including all the regional units of the organization, there are more than 8 thousand full-time permanent employees, laborers and part-time employees. There are 40 regional units separated from Shree Gandhi Ashram, under which there are about 800 sub-branches.

The vision of Shree Gandhi Ashram is to make the youth of the country aware of the historical background of Khadi and to ensure availability of Khadi products in new form to the youth. The total turnover of this organization spread across the country, including its regional units, is approximately Rs 1160 lakhs. The organization is continuously making efforts to increase it further. Khadi and Village Industries Commission is committed to promote Khadi in collaboration with the Government of India.